'And' is used when the two words are similar.
- Uma and Usha are sisters.
- The teacher will read and explain.
- She is very kind and humble,
'And' is used when the statements are similar.
- He is a musician and she is a singer.
- She is an English teacher and she is a Hindi teacher.
- This is a making machine and this is a packing machine.
'And' is used to join the
two statement:
- He went to shop and brought provisions.
- Rekha worked in the US and earned a lot.
- I boarded the train and phoned her.
Doctor gave me an injection and some pills.
He gets up in
the morning and goes for a walk.
They went to a hotel and discussed.
I went to shop
and brought vegetables but forgot
to bring milk
and sugar.
Some sentences with Telugu and English Translation:
1. Sunil and Suresh went
to airport.
सुनील और सुरेश एयरपोर्ट गए।
సునీల్ సురేష్ ఎర్పోర్ట్ కి వెళ్లారు.
2. Go to the bank and deposit this money.
बैंक जाके इस पैसे को जमा करो ।
బ్యాంకు కి వెళ్లి ఈ డబ్బు డిపాజిట్ చేయి .
3. I
will change my dress and come.
मैं अपनी ड्रेस बदल करके आऊंगा।
నా డ్రెస్ మార్చుకుని వస్తాను.
4. We went to the railway station and received him.
हम रेलवे स्टेशन जाके उसकी अगवानी की।
మేము రైల్వే స్టేషన్ కు వెళ్లి అతన్ని రిసీవ్ చేసుకున్నాము.
5. My friend called me and said that I forgot the key.
मेरे दोस्त ने मुझे फोन करके कहा कि मैं चाबी भूल गया हूं।
నా ఫ్రెండ్ ఫోన్ చేసి నేను తాళం మర్చిపోయానని చెప్పింది.
6. I went to her
house and gave money.
मैं उसके घर जाके पैसे दिए ।
నేను ఆమె ఇంటికి వెళ్లి డబ్బులు ఇచ్చాను.
7. He
prepared food and served us.
उसने खाना बनाके हमें परोसा।
అతడు భోజనం తాయారు చేసి మాకు వడ్డించాడు.
8. John came to my house and requested me to come.
जान मेरे घर आके मुझसे आने का अनुरोध किया।
9. Lock the
door and go.
दरवाजा बंद करके जाओ।
తలుపు తాళం వేసి వెళ్లు.
10. Thieves showed the
knife and threatened her.
चोरों ने चाकू दिखाके उसे धमकाया।
దొంగలు కత్తి చూపించి ఆమెను బెదిరించారు.
'But' is used to connect two opposite ideas.
She gave her number but I forgot.
- I like English films but he likes Hindi films.
- Some times I pity her but sometimes I get angry.
- They went to watch a film but we went to church.
- I called her but she didn't come.
- I like rain but I don't like to drench in rain.
- She is rich but she doesn't spend money.
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These roses are artificial but look natural.
The police caught him but did
not punish.
I saw her message but didn’t
give reply.
They gave me cash but I
She gave her number but I forgot.
Some sentences with Telugu and English Translation:
3. I need money but I don't want to ask him.
6. I like Indira but I don't like her parents.
7. We waited for the bus but bus didn't come.
1. They invited me but I have no time to go.
వాళ్ళు నన్ను ఆహ్వానించారు కానీ వెళ్ళడానికి నాకు టైం లేదు.
2. Color of this shirt is nice but texture is
not good.
इस शर्ट का रंग अच्छा है लेकिन बनावट अच्छी नहीं है।
చొక్కా రంగు బాగుంది కానీ బట్ట బాగాలేదు.
3. I need money but I don't want to ask him.
मुझे पैसे की जरूरत है लेकिन मैं उससे पूछना नहीं चाहता।
నాకు డబ్బు అవసరం కానీ అతన్ని అడగటం నాకు ఇష్టం లేదు.
I saw him but he didn't see me.
मैंने उसे देखा लेकिन उसने मुझे नहीं देखा।
నేను అతన్ని చూసాను కానీ అయన నన్ను చూడలేదు.
5. I
know English but I don't know French.
मैं अंग्रेजी जानता हूं लेकिन फ्रेंच नहीं जानता।
నాకు ఇంగ్లీష్ వచ్చు కానీ ఫ్రెంచ్ రాదు.
6. I like Indira but I don't like her parents.
मुझे इंदिरा पसंद हैं लेकिन उनके माता-पिता पसंद नहीं हैं।
నాకు ఇందిర అంటే ఇష్టం కానీ ఆమె తల్లిదండ్రులు అంటే ఇష్టం లేదు
7. We waited for the bus but bus didn't come.
हमने बस के लिए इंतजार किया लेकिन बस नहीं आई।
బస్ కోసం వెయిట్ చేసాము కానీ బస్ రాలేదు.
I am calling her but she is not receiving the phone.
मैं उसे फोन कर रहा हूं लेकिन वह फोन रिसीव नहीं कर रही है।
ఆమెకు ఫోన్ చేస్తున్నాను కానీ ఆమె ఫోన్ రిసీవ్ చేసుకోవట్లేదు.
9. Julie
is rich but she is always sad.
जूली अमीर है लेकिन वह हमेशा दुखी रहती है।
జూలీ ధనవంతురాలు కానీ ఎప్పుడు విచారంగా ఉంటుంది.
10. Harish
told me but I didn't understand.
हरीश मुझे बताया, लेकिन मुझे समझ नहीं आया।
హరీష్ నాకు చెప్పాడు కానీ నాకు అర్థం కాలేదు.
Conversation: Doctor
and Nurse (And & But)
Doctor: Sister, did you give injection to the patient ?
I gave sir, I gave injection and a
tablet also.
How is the bed number 23 patient ?
I am following your prescription but there
is no improvement.
O.k. let us change the medication and see.
First you arrange for
glucose drip. Let the fluids and medicines go fast into his body.
That patient is so weak. It is difficult to find his veins but I
will try.
Doctor: Don't worry I will
come and help
you or I will send my
assistant doctor.
I forgot to tell you, morning Mrs.Wilson came and gave this sweet
box and gift for you. She expressed her
gratefulness for your good
treatment and very reasonable fee.
Doctor: When
did she come?
She came at 9 in the morning but you
were not here at that time.
Anyway she said that she will
complete her work and come
to see you.
Doctor: We did our duty and God healed her. We
should be thankful to the Lord.
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